Social Media Campaigns

Working with the Cal State East Bay Alumni Association, I have created a variety of different Social Media Campaigns. My goal was to engage the students at California State University East Bay with the Alumni Network before they graduate. Below are a few examples. 



#PioneerViews was launched previously as #MondayViews and #EastBayViews. I decided to change the name to #PioneerViews to create a unique campaign. #PioneerViews is a way to share the amazing views around campus. Photo By: @kryselio



#PioneersLove was launched 1 week before Valentine's Day in order to spread the love around campus. Photo By: Alex Arias (@alexariassc) 



#60DaysOfEB was created as a result of Cal State East Bay's 60th Anniversary. I took various pictures around campus in order to demonstrate the transformation of the campus within the past 60 years.  



#CSUEBGradCap was launched to share the grad caps of the graduating seniors. 



#PioneersCountdown was launched as a countdown until commencement. 



#PioneerWednesday was launched to share Student and Alumni favorite Pioneer Moments.  Photo By: Heidy Carrillo (@heidyheidzzz)

Other Campaigns






Disclaimer: All Photos are taken from Cal State East Bay Alumni Social Media and shared by their owners to @CSUEBAlumni. I do not own rights, nor claim to own rights to these photos.